Sunday, March 1, 2015

Moms Unite---It takes a village...

Unless you are like this woman (a humocotpus), then you need help. 

About 98% of the things I have done to improve my marriage, parenting or house running has come from advice from others or just my observing my friends' lives and stealing their cool ideas. And to all those who have lent me a proverbial hand, thank you!!!

As I was just attacking a massive pile of laundry I was reminded that I've been meaning to blog all my personal "life hacks" so maybe, other moms, can benefit/improve. If nothing else, you'll all leave with a smile and an internal pat on the back knowing that 1. moms of 4 are not superheroes and 2. I'm not as organized as you thought. So here goes, enjoy!!

1. I do laundry once a week. As it piles up around the house, I re-pile it in the basement (aka my laundry room).  Then on Friday I wash it load by load and re-pile it a few feet away in front of the dryer...Sometimes I wash a few loads during the week but it always stays piled until Saturday. On Saturday I lug it upstairs and dump it on my bed. That's my new thing (I figure I cannot go to sleep unless its done...Then again, I do have the spare mattress in the girls room). 
2. I utilize my kids. They pull their weight. Even lil ole Abz can carry her clean clothes to her room. The girls fold the towels and put away. They hang up all their shirts, match socks, put their clothes away. Irie is an organizing junkie like me so she keeps the drawers in order when I don't. 
3. I DO NOT iron anything unless its absolutely necessary...And by that I mean maybe 3 times a year. 
4. I DO NOT flip pants, socks or undies, etc. If it comes to me inside out, that's how it gets washed and reput in the drawers. The girls flip the shirts when they hang and the pants when they wear.
5. I DO NOT fold pajamas or abaleens clothes. 
6. I DO NOT fold underwear. Come on, I pray no one does this.

1. I repeat, Kids. My girls can clean the bathrooms (I do mirrors and toilet bowls.)...they can sweep, clean table, vacuum. BUT if they are playing peacefully I just clean it myself and enjoy the peace.
2. If I start cleaning they get in the mood. 
3. Cleaning is not an option because I CANNOT function in mess. 
4. But I CAN function in dirt. I DO NOT deep clean but maybe once in...hardly ever. I am trying to get better about washing sheets and such...
5. Inviting people over is an good excuse to clean.
6. I unload and load dishwasher EVERY day. I used to have this complex about wasting water and would only run the dishwasher every two days. That was with 2 kids. I'm over it. 
7. I make cleaning the kitchen a personal race against time. I give myself a deadline and rush. 
8. I do not clean hoping it stays clean. But cleaning up before bedtime does give me 3 hours of clean.

1. I make a monthly menu before the start of the month and I stick to it in terms of what I am making. Sometimes I have to revise mid month to accommodate for eating out/elsewhere or leftovers. 
2. I shop 3 times a month. The 1st, 10th, 20th. I shop at the cheapest places around: BJs and Food Depot. 
3. My big girls can make cereal :) My next goal is to teach them eggs and pancakes.
4. My big girls make sandwiches. LUNCH
5. We eat alot of beans, rice, chicken, fruits and veggies. I do not buy a lot of snacky foods. 
6. My menus are not complex and usually repeat alot from month to month, even every 10 days. I fight the cultural need to cook big fancy meals. If my kids are healthy and full, and the like it I'm good. 
7. I make my own spinach applesauce for Abaleen - and I use reusable baby food pouches (Little Green Food pouches on amazon).
8. I never buy chicken breasts. So much more expensive. I cook whole chickens and build my menu around it. Or a whole pork butt and get 4-5 meals out of it.  
9. I keep recipes for muffins, biscuits, basic casseroles in my head. Makes for fast cooking!!!

1. reuse your foam hand soap pumps!!! just buy cheap soap and mix half soap and half water. viola!!
2. less toys = more play
3. allow a mess to keep a toddler happy. 
4. be healthy and exercise, you will be happier. 
5. don't always eat healthy, cause you gotta have some sugar sometimes!!!
6. when my kids utter the word bored, it means they do chores. 
7. if my kids say they are "like my slave"  (yes, that happened, clearly too much history has been learned) then threaten real slavery to me for a day
8. in house date nights = redbox, junk food, adult play time :) so cheap and fun
9. don't interrupt peacefully playing children unless their lives are in danger.

That's all I got for now.