Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The story behind my blogging...

For some time now I have wanted to begin writing. In fact, my list of "things to do before I die" contains publishing a book. I figure writing a blog is good enough for now. I used to want to title my book...well, I won't tell you in case it comes to pass - but it has to do with good ole Elijah.

Many years ago I read the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19. It is one of my most favorite stories. Let me give you the story in a nutshell. Jezebel is killing all of God's prophets and Elijah runs because he is scared. He runs into the desert and God sustains him. He runs with supernatural strength and finds himself in a cave. God asks him why he is there and he blames it on Jezebel. God then reveals himself to Elijah in a small whisper and again aks Elijah why he is in the cave. Elijah again blames it on Jezebel. God tells Elijah to go back the way he came. Elijah never mans up to the reason he is REALLY there - fear. (And a justified one too, might I add). So, God says, go back the way you came (with an unspoken figure it out).

I feel that writing to you is a calling God has impressed on my heart, and to not do so would be disobediant. I am convinced that what God has taught me through my many caves of fear, and going backs, and darknesses (blogs soon to come) are worth sharing - NOT because they happened to me, but because they happen to all of us. In a generation plauged by lies, deciet and decoys of all varieties, I feel a desparate need to be REAL with one another. The Bible encourages us to put off falsehood and speak truthfully to one another (Ephesians 4:25). The Bible also says "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (James 5:16). What have we got to loose in being real with each other? Nothing worth saving.

Let me be real with you...Let me bare my soul to you. If you know me well, you know I am a huge advocate of brutal honesty (I can hear a hearty amen from my husband here!). I might say things you thought, I might say things that make you mad, I might say things that are painful. Who knows!? That doesn't matter - what matters is what God says to us when we listen. He's always speaking. God has spoken to me through many of you and now I hope to reciprocate the same.