Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why "Confessions of a Goodwilled Woman" ???

The "Why":

Recently Jeremiah and I took a marriage class with church called "Love and Respect", by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. HOLY TAMOLY!!! It rocked our foundations...We saw where we were weak and strong and now we are working to repatch and fortify. What I learned there will come later, but lets just suffice to say it was incredible.

Anyhow, in that series Dr. Eggerichs repeatedly uses the term "goodwilled" to define a spouse that loves his/her mate but still wrongs them. I feel that appropriately defines myself, so I put together the blog name. And I didn't use wife because I feel that the goodwilled part (loving but still doing wrong) applies to about every close relationship I have. There was a time when I thought very highly of myself...Well you know what happens when that happens! God put me in my place that's what! Thank you God for loving us where we are! Read the next blog to know why I am writing...I don't think you'll be dissapointed.