Tuesday, June 22, 2010

When God Moves - My Testimony of God's AWESOMENESS

If you have your ears turned towards God's mouth, your eyes turned towards His face...This will be true.

When God moves, you will not have to wonder...
When God moves, it will be clear as a bell.

I hear people say this: when God closes a door, He opens a window. (I hear it in a deep southern accent...I guess that's the Baptist in me.)

Let me ask you something? Where is that in the Bible?? Recently I gave key duty to my two year old and in the 12 inches between the inside and outside of the house she drops the keys (unbeknown to me) and I lock the door and close it. BAM, I'm locked out -- I know this immediately because I say "where are the keys"? Irie's classic answer, "huh"? Well, that was surely a door closed. And I had to find a window. It happened to be the one overlooking the kitchen table. It was not a comfy experience to climb up to the window and down onto the kitchen table in a space that small. I got some spider webs, a scratch and a busted screen.

Is that what God is like when He moves for His children? Not in my experience. If God closes a door it is for our good, and for 2 reasons....1. what we wanted wasn't best for us or 2. He has something better.

This is my new thoughts about doors and windows...When God wants to take you somewhere. He can build a wall out of nothing to make it look like all hope is lost, and then He can also cut a door into that wall miraculously and show you Who is Who. Think on Lazarus (thanks Monica!) - Jesus waited until Lazarus was dead before He went. He didn't want to heal Lazarus, He wanted to ressurect him!!

This is my personal testimony of God's goodness. If you've been reading my posts you know I've been having a time of it. Money is short, and I feel like my sanity is shorter.

Two weeks ago: I found out I was pregnant with Baby #3. Let me tell you, it was a shocker. It has rocked my mind and my world. I'm still in shock. My main thoughts (remember I promised you honesty) were that now we can't go to California for Christmas and now we'll have to put off going to Jamaica for another 2+ years. If you've read my posts then you know how much I love Jamaica. We'd decided that we'd go next summer, God willing. Well, that wasn't going to happen now.

Sunday morning: I'm having a hard time. The nasuea is all day and I'm tired as heck. This is my prayer as I'm gazing out the window..."God, I need something big to happen. I need a surprise. But a good one. One of those things that I could never have imagined even if I tried. I need it because I am so overwhelmed by life right now that I don't know what to do".

Sunday at noon: After church my church leader, comes up to me and says "we had a meeting yesterday and we really want to help your friend". Brief history here. My best friend in Jamaica, Keisha, is having a harder time of it. She had to buy a stove and fridge on credit to be able to take care of her son. But the bills are too much and he had to go live with his dad. She's got no money, and even now the power is off. I asked my church if they would consider paying off her debt so she can breathe a little and take care of her son. So, they decided to. I'm almost in tears as he tells me this. Then, out of no where he asks me if I would like them to FLY ME TO JAMAICA and give her the money in person. HELLO? WHAT?! Would I ever like someone to fly me to Jamaica! So there I am balling my eyes out because God just built a door in a wall I know for sure He created just to show His awesomeness. I'm getting my hearts desires and I feel like I just won the lottery. Except this means millions more than that. I get to see my loved ones there...And that place makes me feel alive in a way I need to make it through these next 9 months. Thanks God!

Today: I just booked my flight. I am going next Friday for 5 days. God already took care of the details because my mother in law just happened to be flying in for 2 weeks :) I am living in a state of ecstasy :)


Familia Rodriguez said...

awesome story, Maria. i'm in tears. thanks for sharing. praying for your time there to be sweet.