Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dreams are a wish our hearts make...

I've been thinking about dreams. Not the kind you have when you sleep (though I've plenty enough strange ones to devote a whole blog to). I've been thinking about dreams, as in the things we desire most in life, the things we aspire to do and become, the things we dare to think of though we know it may never happen. The reason that this is noteworthy is because by nature, I am not much of a dreamer. I tend to err on the side of being a realist, and a realist isn't one for dreaming much. However. since I've been married to a magnificent dreamer for four years now, I think he's having an effect on me. I know this to be true because I've been dreaming some magnificent dreams myself. When I'm lying in bed at night, my mind wanders far from me...And when I wake up in the morning to nurse Clara I have trouble falling back asleep thinking on such dreams. I don't know why I've never been a dreamer, because despite the lack of sleep its causing me, it's quite the thrill! I suppose it has seemed so easy to see dreams may never come to be, than to take the time to imagine if they did. I was on the way to church this morning and heard this line in a song "I've heard of dreams that move the mountains"...And then I was thinking on our beloved Martin Luther King, Jr., who, as we all know, had a dream. I've been pondering that if more people were dreamers, then maybe we'd have a greater impact on the world. Because, as for me, the more I think about my dreams the more I start to realize they aren't so far fetched...Especially since I serve such a mighty God!

So, this may not come as much of a surprise, but there is really only one thing I spend most of my time dreaming of (though I do dream of other things as well).... I dream of moving to Jamaica and planting a church. Oh my, every time I think I'm going to get it out of my system, I don't. Lately, I can close my eyes and picture Jeremiah and I ministering together. I can picture myself walking with the girls down the road to visit people. I can see the sunrises and sunsets and I can smell the freedom and excitement in the air as people start walking with God. It makes my heart beat faster and my eyes tear up. I dream of it so intensely. Usually I dream and then the realist within starts talking to me...It reminds me that my husband is not quite on board with all that, and that you need money, and that though life is simpler there, you are not afforded many of the conveniences you are here. And of the dangers to my children and that I'd leave my family behind. But lately, I've listened to the realist with wisdom and acknowledge these obstacles. I realize that my dream may never happen. God may call someone else's family to go there and they may plant a church. God may only use my prayers instead of my body. If that's the case then I'll just have to wonder why I was given this passion from afar, but I'll be okay. But, what if it is me and my family that gets to go!? What if my whole destiny depends on my ability to keep dreaming? To dream and keep my passion burning deep so that when the time comes I'm ready?

I think on Martin Luther King, Jr. and wonder where our nation would be if he had stopped dreaming? He changed a NATION for crying out loud! His dream was impossibly big and huge and hard, but it was the heart of God inspiring it with in him! I dream of changing a nation and pray that I could be devoted to my dream as he was his.

So I challenge you with this...let yourself dream! Dream of freedoms won, and nations released. Dream of your children following God to the ends of our earth and your children's children after them. Dream of your marriage causing envy in all those around you because the love that you share is so tangible. Dream of your families being reconciled and those that are unreachable being reached. Dream big dreams and small dreams...Outrageous dreams and down right silly dreams. Dream with faith that God CAN do it, even if He never chooses to. As Beth Moore so boldy puts it: "If I err, let it be on the side of faith!"

I see now, in our own way, we are all called to dream. We dream God's dreams and in pursuing them bring the Kingdom on earth.


Heartfelt27 said...

Awesome! I believe that dreams like yours are a sweet aroma to God and although I don't know you very well, I am sure your life makes God smile!