Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grey Hairs and Wheel Chairs...

So, for awhile now I've been wanting to start branching out in my personal ministries. Which can be rather hard considering the mommy demand in my home is at an all time high. But, I don't believe children are meant to be an excuse so I have finally gone forward with something God has put on my heart for many years...And this is done with many thanks to my husband, who, in addition to starting 3 new jobs at one time, is taking Tuesday mornings off to watch our girls so I can live out the Gospel in a new way that God has put on my heart. (I love my Jeremiah.)

Today was my first day as a volunteer at a local nursing home, Ross Memorial Heath Care Center! My basic duties are to help wheel the residents from their rooms to the activity room, sit with them while the take part, or visit other residents in their rooms, and then help wheel them out. Originally I was supposed to do Friday mornings until I realized I had double booked myself. Praise God that He loves to show up in the details...Guess what the activity is every Tuesday when I'm there?? It's called "Sounds of Praise". A pianist comes in and plays and sings old hymns and an elderly man brings some God centered stories and devotions. As you all should know, singing old hymns to a piano is right up my southern Baptist-raised alley :) I got to sing, and loudly at that (hehe). The sweet woman, Annie, next to me was my own personal fan club and whenever a break presented itself she exclaimed "my, aren't you good...can you come home with me and sing to my Mommy and Daddy?". Though, she is obviously suffering from dementia, she was sincere all the same.

So, this is what I get to do every Tuesday morning. I get to serve these sweet people, and smile at them. Hold their hands and listen to them. Sing for them. It really is amazing how cool our God is! I knew I'd enjoy, but now I'm going to love it. And eventually I'll probably get to lead a devotion and do a musical "special" :) And as a side note, usually I am nervous about starting something new just because it is foreign...But I wasn't this morning. It was real nice. And as an additional side note, this is something I can bring Irie (my 3.5 year old) along with me to. She will love showing off her dance skills for them.

What has God been putting on your heart that you've been putting off for a million different reasons??? Perhaps, its just not time yet. But...maybe it is! Hey, if I can fit it in, maybe you can too :)