Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jamaica Day 3

Day 3...It was off to a rough start. Though I had a decent night's sleep, it wasn't looking good for Keisha and I to get her debts paid off. She was supposed to have work off but then was asked to come in because a cruise ship was docking. Extra money, you know? But when she called to ask her boss if she could come in late so we could go by the stores and pay stuff off he said no...And in quite clear terms that if she came in late, she could have the whole week off. A threat or what? So, she was upset but I just said "relax mon"...Kidding :) I know we have God's favor so I just waited around. When it looked like nothing would work, her boss called back and said she could get off early. So, she got off work and met me in Ocho Rios at 3:45...One store closed at 4 and the other 4:30. We made it just in the nic of time - praise the Lord! I also gave her money to pay off the past due water bill. So, she is virutally a debt free woman. That is incredible.
When I found out Keisha was going into work I decided to take my stuff up to Bamboo early in the morning so I could have the rest of the day free. It took me about 1 1/2 hours to get there. To say I enjoy staying up in Bamboo and spending time with Mommy Collins would be the understatement of the century. If you've never had the pleasure of meeting her, that is just one more thing you have to look forward to in heaven. She and I chatted for a bit, she fed me, and then I napped for 2 hours...SOOOO needed. (I sound like a kid!?) Then I headed off to Ocho Rios to meet Keisha with a rumbling and angry storm on my heels...Literally. I was walking the mile down the mountain with the thunder crashing around me and the rain close behind. I also got to see Shadah again in Ocho Rios. I got some souvenirs for the family. My favorite find was Dora flip flops for Irie for $3...The don't sell kids flips for cheap here and I'd been dying to get her some. (As you all must know, I HEART flip flops.) She has been wearing them since I gave them to her yesterday.
Anyways, after I left Ocho Rios, I headed back up to Bamboo and spent time with my friend Karen and her family. I stayed until dark, just enough time to see two kids have a head on collision, literally, with their heads. Lots of blood, and hopefully, stitches to follow. She and her sister walked me up to the house (about a mile in the dark with the light of a cellphone and lots of mud). Then they stayed and hung out for a while. I also got to see my good friend Shaneel, Mommy's granddaughter. In the past I have roomed with her.
I took a very cold and cold shower....
Going to cut this one short, due to some pregnancy related sickness from smelly poopy figure that out. It was the end of the day anyways.